Investment Schemes

JAS Consulting & Relocation Services Ltd, is one of the licensed companies authorized by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Interior to provide services regarding the “Cyprus Investment Programme” under reference no.: 135

Our license is also displayed in the “Registry of Service Providers for the Cyprus Investment Programme” of the Ministry of Finance web page


Why choose Cyprus for Investments?

  • Cyprus is established as a reputable international financial centre, the crossroad between East and West.
  • Being an EU member since 2004, offers a great experience to investors as well as trading partners.
  • The Cyprus cost structure is lower than most of the other international financial centres.


Local Market Opportunities

  • Tourism
  • Energy
  • Real Estate
  • Trade


Cyprus Citizenship and Permanent Residence for Investors

The current Investment Scheme is one of the best schemes in Europe as it offers:

  • All family members can obtain Cyprus citizenship
  • Citizenship can be obtained within about 6 months
  • Free movement of people within EU
  • Investment is redeemable (5 years from date of naturalization)
  • The level of investment is set at €2M=€2.5M
  • Multiple investment schemes
    • Investment in real estate, land development and infrastructure projects
    • Purchase or Establishment or Participation in Cypriot Companies or Businesses
    • Investment in Alternative Investment Funds or Registered Alternative Investment Funds or financial assets of Cypriot companies or Cypriot organizations that are licensed by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
    • Combination of the aforementioned investments

For any additional information and clarifications please contact us for a meeting.